Quotes From A Friend


Proper tak tajuk entry ni? hehe. I got some quotes from a friend actually. Baru2 ni la & I want to share them here in my blog.

"Love is complicated..so be careful in your love." (Sufi, 2012)

"Every love have time..but the time not in your hand." (Sufi, 2012)

Dude, U told me these remember? Aku kagum kot, it's something like hidden talent. Serius aku blurr jugak la bila kwn aku ni bg kata2 ni kt aku. U see, i'm not the person yg bersastera la org kata. So, aku mcm err...ok aku nk kata apa pulak? haha. Btw, thanks for these quotes. Let me share something. But it's not originally from me.heehuu.

"Friendship is the true treasure." (Barbie, 2008)

Gambar hiasan ja. I'm not saying that the girl in the pink dress is me & the girl in the blue dress is U. Of course U're a boy... I know that.haha. But there's something in the pic that we can relate it with friendship. Seperti kata2 di atas gambar ni la ye.

Serpihan lirik lagu Adele Skyfall ni best jugak utk dikongsi. *Tudia ayat BM aku tunggang-langgang haa*

You may have my number
You can take my name
But you'll never have my heart

*Aku pon tak paham pasepa lagu ni pulak yg keluaq*

Tp ce dgr lagu ni. Best oh... Nk lg best tgk Running Man Ep 120. Kt game flying chair ada lagu ni ckit. *Ok aku dh start suggest kt org*

Actually aku mengantuk di pertengahan jln ketika dok buat esemen. So, aku dpt idea nk tulis smua ni so that aku tak tidoq & teros terlena sampai pg without finishing half of my assignments. *Oh my betoi ka english aku ni* 

p/s: I'm just joking meh. Dude, don't be mad la! We're friend right.. PEACE... 

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